Friday 19 August 2016

Respect your drums and your fellow players

Perhaps when some of us hear the drums, we have a spiritual experience. When we touch it for the first time, it feels good and we can (or at least think we can) express ourselves immediately. It really does feel great to play for the first time. Experts from the music field always recommend learninghow to play some basic rhythms and how to hit the drum correctly at the bare minimum.There is just no getting around the fact that no matter what you want to do on the drum be it djembe, dununs (djundjun), congas, bongos, dumbec or whatever, you still have to spend some time learning how to play it correctly.It is amazing when I go to certain places I travel to every year and the same drummers are there and they have not improved at all and they are playing the same rhythms they have been playing for years and years. And maybe it is just the same rhythm. And why do people get so offended when a more experienced drummer tries to give them a pointer at a drum circle? What makes us think we know it all already before we have any clue what is really going on? I have had many experiences and there are countless stories I have heard over the years of this situation. Someone tries to help out or show someone a part and the person being shown the parts gets offended. We all need to be open minded. The givers need to be gentle and the receivers need to be open minded. All I mean to say is that learn and keep learning if you want to play drums like a rock star!
I am a big fan of djembe drumming and talking about djembe drumming, the djembe is about unity and community. That is the actual meaning of, “djembe” or “djembe bara” meaning “unity of the drum” according to the djembe legend AbdulyeDiakate . Djembe is about support. It comes from and out of a system where the drum is interconnected with a dance, a song, a village or place. Studying drumming like this can actually be fun and interesting. You just need to find good resources like drum teachers Swansea, Neath.
The first thing you would learn in any of the good drumming classes is that respect yourself, the drum and others. One of the many great things they teach you in traditional drumming is respect. Respect your teacher, respect your drum, your fellow player and respect the rhythms and then only you can learn and become a pro!

Friday 5 August 2016

Broaden Your Knowledge Of Latin Music And Drumming

What kind of drumheads is being used? Is it single ply or double ply?Tuned low, mid or high? Muffled or open?Where is the drummer hitting the snare drum? Centre or with or without the rim?When playing the bass drum is the drummer “burying” the beater in the head? Heel-up? Heel-down?Is he/she using the rebound of the sticks? Or playing each note with the wrists and into the drumhead to get that sound? These are some of the things you have to be aware of while you study the style of a certain drummer.And most important of all is to listen to the music, the song, and all the other musicians involved. Because if you miss out on that, you’ll miss out on understanding what was the impulse that led that drummer to play that groove, fill or drum solo the way they did. It is the music that always dictates what should, and even more importantly, what should not be played. So listen, observe, study, emulate until the moment you feel it becoming part of you. Then build on it and enjoy!
Latin music and Latin drumming is a big mystery to a lot of drummers; mainly because of how rare they are played on the radio or on other popular sources. Learning how to play Latin music is very beneficial for any drummer. The truth is that this style of music is very popular in other parts of the world. In fact, Latin music has been around a lot longer than rock, pop, country and most other styles of music. Its’ origins come from Latin America, and consists of many different styles and tempos. Some common types of Latin music are: Salsa, Samba, Bossa, Beebop, Cumbia, Rumba, Afro-American, and Brazilian. As a drummer, it is good to learn the theory and history behind these styles of music to broaden your skills and knowledge.The biggest problem for rock drummers when trying to dive into Latin music is that rock drumming is a totally different style and it has a different feel than Latin. Latin music uses different tempos, feels, and rhythms, some that you may never use in rock music. Latin drumming has a totally different approach than rock. All these concepts can be cleared when you take drum lessons Swansea, Neath. Learn whichever drumming style you want and become a pro at it!